11. Juni 2010



African lady reading her bible.
Spanish looking man reading his London A-Z, confused look on his face.
Kid tumbling over people's feet.
Early morning commuter annoyed at not having room for spreading out his newspaper.
Woman missing her stop for getting too absorbed in her book.
Couple kissing - loudly and unembarassed.
Indian girl doing her make-up.
Elegant business woman eating a croissant in most unelegant fashion.
Couple jumping of the train hurriedly in uncertainty, just to be annoyed when doors close.
Old man trying to get through to other compartment.
Army guy trying to make space for his three massive bags. Unwrapping a Mars bar to celebrate his success.
Books being shovelled into bags when train stops - Steele, Pilcher, Lessing, Grisham, Greene.
Loud music.
Girl discussing mortgage on new house.
Nervous looking man with roses.
Boxing through to get out.
Run in tights. Work hasn't even started.
Fat man snoring away.
Middle-aged lady with...