4. Mai 2010

Transport Studies

Again - exam time. Prime time for blogging. I know the reason is NOT because I want to procrastinate, not in the slightest. It's just, my brain's synapses are making synopses a lot easier when they're working on high speed anyway. So I thought, let's fuel some of them into this blog-thing and feel less guilty because people who are reading this are just as bad procrastinators (is that even a word) like me. So there, better face the facts ;-)!

Anyway, this train-blog (train/brain, you get the pun, right? see 29/3/10) the other day really geared my thoughts towards transport in general. (Notice the nice usage of transport related vocab, in case you, especially you non-lit students, hadn't already noted - really putting a lot of effort into this =P)
So when I walked past the transport studies building, I didn't just walk past, but started to ponder what people are actually doing in there. Sounds a bit like designing street signs, but if there's anyone who's reading this and also transport studies, I apologise and please do correct me if I'm wrong.

The cream of tran-sport is moto-sport, no doubt, which brings me to the amazingness of German cars. No, don't go away, I know what you think. I realise myself that it really is not in my nature to talk about cars (unless in a very cynical way), or to revel in the greatness of my country (especially because I haven't contributed anything in this particluar field and am unlikely to do so, exepct of course if you count painting flowers on a VW bus) and I won't be sharing car-ing for long. Just a quick, or shall I say, fast, note. So I saw this link to Porsche the other day -

- which at first made me smile (the excitement of it all!!), but by the end of which I was almost converted to change career, become a rich and famous hedge fund manager, and save up to buy one of those hotties. I said, almost. Because then I remembered that there are much cooler things in the world, like this -

When I'm at Heidelberg I can hear this nerve-racking revving every other Sunday and while it really does not comply with my idea of a relaxing afternoon, this vid is a slight comfort. It takes away the silliness of it all.
And to dwell in my triumph and resentment against sport cars, watch this!

So who said a decent VW bus doesn't know how the wind blows?!

I can't believe how much I've got to say about cars. And on top of that it just came to my mind that I actually own a model car, presented to me with much pomp and chocolate on my 19th birthday by Bekky, Börny and Eva - an old green mini, of course. To stop me stop in the middle of the road when I see a real one, waving and shouting hysterically to express my appreciation of the driver's good taste. Which I, however, still do, in those rare moments when I can't contain myself (or when Bekky, Börny and Eva aren't around).

Actually, however, I'm into much more peaceful and environmentally friendly vehicles. Like bikes. Although I have a habit of getting into accidents, and many scars to prove it, but that's another story. I do take cycling seriously, though, like every German student, taking it so far as to use it to go through a McDonalds drive-through. Certainly cheered that guy's day up, haha! Much recommended to have a go at, it's awesome fun!

I love the creativeness of vehicles, and what you can do with them. In Leeds they've got a thing called roller disco, which is what it says on the tin, a club where you dance on skates, just like that!
Way cooler, however, is what this chap did with his wheely, absolutely inspiring!

Suppose I could go on and on. Driving it through the roof. Which reminds me of another crazy event that happened in my rather recent lifetime -

Maybe being away from home makes me think about getting from A to B a lot more.
To come full circle - or, attempting a final pun on today's topic, to finish the race course, A and B now finally brings me back to the reason why I'm actually sitting in front of my laptop - to work on my essay...

1 Kommentar:

  1. So someone did do transport studies and got back to me. How very embarassing. Wasn't offended though, thank goodness! =)
