18. März 2010

Hair adventure (no I didn't shave it again)

No, I'm not going to write a post every day. But the thrill of getting this started is still having an effect on me, which I should make use of.

Anyway, today something amazing happened - I finally went to the hairdressers. For those of you who are cultivated, this might not sound like a big thing. But apparently I'm not, and as much as this is my own choice, I don't enjoy hairdressers making a point of this in suggesting me this and that to lose even more time on my beauty than I actually do already. VAIN!!

Even though my hairdresser today kept asking me when the last time was that I had had a haircut - why does she need to know in the first place? - and I tried to avoid an answer (between us, it was about six months ago *cough*), I had a good time. She dressed - or rather, undressed - my hair, I could practice my small talk skills and on top of that they played music from the three months that I was actually into music, which was about ten years ago, and which I admit is quite hard to achieve (they appropriately played O-Towns 'Liquid Dreams', among others. When I got home I travelled down memory lane and found some more songs of that time on youtube (Precious: 'Rewind', Savage Garden: 'Affirmation', Leanne Rimes: 'Can't fight the moonlight' =P) including those of my little trip into 80s rap. Would you believe it - I once was so cool as to learn how to rap 'Roxanne Roxanne' (UTFO), and I realised I can still almost do it! I stop rambling now though before I get into trouble). General verdict: Pass!
While they put dressing on my hair (shampoo that smelled of gingerbread), I had a splendid view of the Leeds General Infirmary which I had just yesterday seen from the inside (it's got a blue tourist plaque; although we took it a bit too far looking for a shortcut and went straight through 'no entry' doors. we didn't end up in an operating theatre if that is of any relief though).
The hair looks nice, just like I want it (if I had any ideas at all), and I appreciate the effort she put into blow-drying it for forty minutes. I didn't have the heart to tell her that I wouldn't even dream of doing that myself, but I paid attention on how to do it in case I need to look that extra bit beautiful in the near future...
My hair is all dressed up now and it was definately worth the money. That'll do me for the next six months I assume.

3 Kommentare:

  1. lena lena, jetzt wollen wir doch natürlich ein bild sehen ;) oder hab ichs nur nicht gefunden?!
    übrigens sehr genial dein blog bisher, hält mich wunderbar vom lernen ab, das war ja der sinn oder?
    und übrigens war ich schon über sechs monate nicht beim frisör aber gestern hab ich gedacht ich muss jetzt unbedingt mal hin ;)
    liebe grüße aus HD, vreni

  2. die vreni!! hier ist dein bild, minus 40min föhnen natürlich... ;-) und du hast den frisörbesuch auch für die nächsten sechs monate hinter dich gebracht? bravo!
    viel erfolg beim lernen! lass dich nicht ablenken =P

  3. danke :) sieht sehr gut aus, und wird die nächsten monate überleben!
    nein, ich war noch nicht dort, bisher gibts nur den gedanken ;)
    und ablenkung muss sein!!
