17. März 2010

Hallo? Ist da wer? Anyone out there?

Hello. So I've got a blog now. I don't even know how the internet works. But anyway, one has to go with the time, and herewith I take possession of this space.
It's mine now. You're welcome.

Formalities aside, let me think about a few ideas I've got for this blog, and set the scene.

Basically, I want some space where I can tell all the stuff I can't tell in other formats, and that's very polite of me because you can always stop reading and go and I won't notice. Of course it would be nice if you stayed and read, but that's up to you. My life is pretty funny sometimes, mainly because of how my mind works. It really is easier to understand in pictures and texts, and not in speech, so here we go, that's one reason for this blog.

When I read, which I do a lot because I'm an English Lit student, I have a lot of words in my head which want to get out and be creative. I find brilliant quotes in my books which I would have to learn by heart if I wanted to share them with you at appropriate times, but I can't, so I'll post them in my blog, and hey, that's reason number 2.

Speaking of words, and reading, and writing, language always is a challenge. Really. I mainly read English , so quotes will be in English most of the time. But my brain grew up thinking in German, and a lot of things I can only say in German because they sound funny in English because English wasn't made for saying them, so I'll stick to German for that. Sorry you who don't understand, you can always ask and I'll explain. Or you can learn German, which would be fab and useful anyways =)! So I do my bit to enhance understanding among the peoples and make this a bilingual blog. Genial!

The real reason, of course, is that I want to start a revolution and need raise people's awareness and support. I don't know exactly what I want to revolve of, but I'll think of something as time goes by. Let's do it!

Der nächste Grund, diesen Blog zu schreiben ist, dass ich jetzt eigentlich Shakespeare's Richard III lesen müsste aber mein Gehirn Purzelbäume schlägt. Deshalb vergeude ich meine Zeit und laber ein bisschen, momentan noch mit mir selbst, aber gleich klick ich auf 'Post veröffentlichen' - ja meine settings sind auf deutsch! - und dann fühl ich mich nicht mehr so paranoid.

Back to English, my friends. Keep watching this space, it will evolve (probs most when I should be writing essays like now) and enjoy! Let's get this started!

Oh, just a word about the title in closing. I bought a t-shirt the other day with a snail on it which says 'What's the rush?' It seriously SERIOUSLY made me think and made me want to slow the world down. Have you ever noticed that 'slooww' reminds of 'sluuurb' reminds of the noise snails would make if they made noises? I think that's fascinating.
This blog certainly slows my work process down, and yours probably, too. But it's not lost time, it's sloowwed down time, and we all need that. So I picture people reading this in work breaks, and I want to make them as enjoyable as possible. Because I love you all. x x x

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